Make Your Space Work Checklist

Assess the Need for New Healthy Workplace Initiatives Identify PPE needs and establish guidance Determine need for temperature check station Establish an isolation room for symptomatic employees Publish schedule for increased cleaning Adjust desks and cubicles as necessary Create at least a six-foot space between employees workspaces as recommended by health officials Avoid employees sitting face to face Add screens or panels to open desk arrangements and clean them regularly Transition to assigned workspaces Provide a secure storage area for personal items if not available at individual workspaces Plan for modified use of collaborative spaces like breakrooms, conference rooms and...
CLEANING TIPS Cleaners and Disinfectants Recommended CDC

Cleaners and disinfectants recommended by the CDC to combat COVID-19 when cleaning guidelines are followed as directed: Detergent or Soap and Water (prior to disinfection) 1:5 Bleach/Water Solution Alcohol-Based Cleaners (at least 70% alcohol) Quaternary-Based Disinfectants Hydrogen-Peroxide Based Cleaners NOTE: As always, when using any disinfectant, it is important to follow the manufacturer’s instructions, not saturate the surface of the fabric, and remove all residue with a clean, damp cloth so the surface of the fabric will not be damaged. For additional information on COVID-19, please visit The safety and well-being of our customers are very important to us. We urge...
COVID-19 UPDATE 3/30/20

3/30/20 Office Furniture Loft is operational to provide service to our employees, clients, partners and community. We have received required status for distribution to essential companies per state and federal guidelines. We are continually monitoring the Center for Disease Control (CDC) and the Maryland Emergency Management Agency (MEMA) for daily updates to provide our employees a safe and healthy working environment. We have established a continuity plan that relies on email, virtual meetings and remote connectivity as our primary contact and response method. With our soft phone application, our employees can be reached at their normal extensions. Messages left on...
Social Distancing and Self Quarantine

Working at Home? Here’s What to Do: Telecommuting, or working from home, has been on the rise for several years now as improved technology has made it easier to connect and collaborate. All of a sudden, however, many more workers have been asked to stay home in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic, and with very little time to prepare. If you’re new to telecommuting, here are some tips to get you off on the right foot. Find your space. While you don’t need an office in the literal sense of the term, an area that’s private and free of...
OFL Update 3/17/20